Monday, August 30, 2010
Mrs. Clark
Mon 30 Aug 1790: About noon I preached at Castle-Carey. Since I was here God has taken to himself that amiable woman, Mrs. Clark; who, to a fine person and a good understanding, joined a very uncommon degree of deep religion. This inclined me to apply earnestly Eccles. ix. 10; and all the people seemed to feel it. Afterwards, I called on her deeply-afflicted husband, who spent some hours with us the next day. I hope he will no longer sorrow as one without hope, but will trust to meet her in a better place. In the evening I preached in the new House at Ditcheat. It would not hold the congregation; but many could hear at the windows, which they seemed right willing to do. A flame appears to be kindled here already. God grant it may continue and increase!