Sunday, January 9, 2011

Questions and Meditation based on “The Baptism of Jesus”

These questions and meditation are based on the sermon The Baptism of Jesus. Read it here

  1. What is your understanding regarding baptism? (e.g. who should be baptised, who should baptise, why baptise, when should baptism occur, how much water, etc)
  2. Can you back up your understanding of baptism with the Scriptures?
  3. Did Jesus baptise anyone?
  4. Why did John baptise?
  5. Why was Jesus baptised? (6 suggestions were made in the sermon, but you can add to these)
  6. Are you baptised?
  7. Why were you baptised?
  8. Bearing in mind the word baptizein as discussed in the sermon (Google it for more info, but always use discernment regarding the reliability of documents), how does remembering that one is baptised help in our growth in personal holiness?
  9. Does baptism have anything to do with death?
  10. Read the Apostles Creed or Nicene Creed (Google if necessary) and spend time meditating on our God as One and our God as Three.