Sunday, February 20, 2011

Questions and Personal Reflection based on Discovering God's Wisdom for Daily Living

Living Life God's Way: Discovering God's Wisdom for Daily Living
Watch the sermon here
Study Passage Matthew 7:21–29
What are some of the different ways that people hope will “get them into Heaven”? How do
you hope to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?
In verses 21 & 22 Jesus mentions five different types of people. Identify them and discuss their
actions (e.g. what does it mean to say “Lord, Lord,” what is prophecy, casting out devils, etc?)
Discuss how it is possible to do these things and yet be unsaved.
What will cause Jesus to say: “I never knew you”? Does He “know” you and is it possible to
know the answer to that question in this life?
Discuss whether it is possible to do “religious” things and at the same time be disobedient.
What is the difference between the wise person and the foolish person? Name a few things that
people foolishly build their lives on. What does it mean to build our lives on Christ?
Is the life in Christ free of storms? Name some storms that you or others are facing? Think of a
recent disaster that made the news……… you think born again Christians were caught up in
the midst of it and will it “destroy” them? Perhaps spend some time (now or at the end of the
class) praying for them appropriately. How would you respond to the question: “If so and so is
a Christian, why is such a terrible thing happening to her or him?”
In the parable of the two builders, when was the strength of the foundation revealed? How can
we examine our foundation here and now?
Discuss Wesley’s statement: “We may by the grace of God snatch souls from hell, yet drop into
it when we have finished. We may bring others to the Kingdom of God yet never enter it
Discuss Wesley’s statement: “Faith which does not produce the whole religion described in the
Sermon on the Mount is not the faith of the gospel. It is not the faith which leads to glory.
Beware of resting on unholy and unsaving faith.”
The four mission imperatives of the MCSA are : a deepened spirituality as individuals and a
Christian community , justice and service in church and society, evangelism and church
growth which build up the people of God, and development and economic empowerment
which give dignity and new purpose to those who have been deprived. Briefly discuss each of
these in the context of whether or not they are a sound foundation on which to build the
church’s mission.
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