Meekness, Hunger and Thirst for ighteousness, Showing Mercy
Study Passage Matthew 5:5-7
1. What is meekness? How many of you have a word other than meekness in verse 5? Read the following verses in the King James Version and as many other translations as possible and compare the different words used to translate what the KJV translates as ‘meekness’: Isaiah 29:19; Psalm 22:26; Zephaniah 2:3; Galatians 5:23; Colossians 3:12 & James 3:13. Is it possible that the word is difficult to translate because the idea behind it is difficult to translate into our lives?
2. Read Matthew 26:47-54. Who do you most easily identify with and why? Who should you identify with? Who is meek in this text and who is not? Who in this text is wise and who is foolish? Are you wise or foolish?
3. Consider the emotions anger, hatred and fear. Find at least one example where each of these is permissible and one example where each is sinful. Wesley suggests that meekness helps balance our emotions. How would this work in the sinful examples you’ve listed? How can we “become” meek?
Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness
4. What are people hungry and thirsty for today? Page through today’s newspaper with all its supplements and classifieds and from the adverts and stories make a list of the top ten hungers and thirsts. What type of satisfaction does each of these really bring?
5. What is righteousness? Reflect on whether or not you are really hungry and thirsty for righteousness.
6. Read Psalm 42:1&2. List ways of developing such a desire for righteousness. What is Christ’s promised blessing if we do?
7. Once again page through the newspaper or think of recent events in the news……..are there any stories where you feel mercy should be shown? Are there any stories where mercy should not be shown? (Don’t be afraid to be honest). What is mercy?
8. Read Mathew 6:12 & 14-15. Discuss whether it is true to say that God’s offer of mercy to us is conditional.
9. Read 2 Kings 6:8-23 and identify meekness and mercy in the story. Is it worth being meek and merciful?
Mission pillars
10. Discuss how a lack of meekness, hunger and thirst for righteousness, and mercy affects each mission pillar.
Evangelism & Church growth
Justice & Service
Development & Economic Empowerment
Now discuss how the presence of meekness, hunger and thirst for righteousness, and mercy affects each mission pillar. What is present or lacking in your church?