Thursday, September 8, 2011

Daily Devotions for Week 4 of Sermon on the Mount Thur

Week 4 Day 4 Devotions
For the Persecuted

Think of those who persecute you and try to pray this hymn.

In their notes on the following hymn the editors of the Bicentennial Edition of the Works of John Wesley say: “This hymn echoes the riots and persecutions which Charles Wesley faced in Cornwall, Sheffield, Staffordshire, Ireland, etc., without a murmur.”

Thy power and saving truth to show
A warfare at thy charge I go;
Strong in the Lord and thy great might,
Gladly take up the hallowed cross,
And suffering all things for thy cause
Beneath that bloody banner fight.
A spectacle to fiends and men,
To all their fierce or cool disdain
With calmest pity I submit;
Determined nought to know beside
My Jesus and him crucified,
I tread the world beneath my feet.

Superior to their smile or frown,
On all their goods my soul looks down,
Their pleasures, wealth, and power, and state:
The man that dares their god despise,
The Christian, he alone is wise!
The Christian, he alone is great!
O God, let all my life declare
How happy all thy servants are,
How far above these earthly things,
How pure when washed in Jesu's blood,
How intimately one with God,
A heaven-born race of priests and kings.

For this alone I live below:
The power of godliness to show,
The wonders wrought by Jesu's name.
O that I might but faithful prove,
Witness to all thy pard'ning love,
And point them to th'atoning Lamb!
Let me to every creature cry,
The poor and rich, the low and high,
Believe, and feel thy sins forgiven!
Damned, till by Jesus saved thou art;
Till Jesu's blood hath washed thy heart
Thou canst not find the gate of heaven. (427)