Week 4 Discussion Questions and Bible Study
Purity, Peacemaking and Persecution
Study Passage Matthew 5:8-12
Pure in heart
1. What does it mean to be pure in heart? Share some examples of your heart saying one thing, but your actions another.
2. What is the difference between inward and outward religion? Read Matthew 5:27-30 and discuss Jesus’ point of view regarding adultery. Do you agree with it? What does Jesus judge when He examines us?
3. Is it possible to be pure in heart? Discuss the four steps mentioned in the talk that could be helpful in pursuing purity of heart.
4. Discuss what it means to be a peace-lover and a peace-maker. Are there differences? What are we called to be?
5. What situations in the home, school, office, workplace, church, nation or world require peacemaking right now? How can Christians make a difference? How can you make a difference?
6. Based on the Beatitudes up to this point, what should our response to war be?
7. How are Christians persecuted today?
8. Discuss whether embracing the Beatitudes increases or decreases one’s chances of being persecuted.
9. Character is tempered in the forge of suffering” (Source unknown). Discuss.
10. Mission pillars
Discuss the impact of pursuing purity on this pillar
Justice & Service
Discuss the role of peacemaking on this pillar
Development & Economic Empowerment
Discuss whether it is possible to encounter persecution in pursuit of this pillar.
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