Sunday, September 11, 2011

Discussion Questions/Biblestudy based on Sermon on Mount 5

Week 5 Discussion Questions and Bible Study

Salt and Light

Study Passage Matthew 5:13-16

1. Discuss the significance of these verses with regard to their following Jesus’ teaching on persecution.


2. Bearing in mind that in Jesus’ day salt was used as a preservative to prevent meat from rotting, what is Jesus suggesting is the role of Christians and the church in the world? What issues are in the news at the moment that suggest a world going rotten? How could the church make a difference? How can you make a difference?
3. How can we maintain our saltiness? How can we lose our saltiness?
4. Read Hebrews 6:4-6. Answer question 3 again in the light of this text
5. On a personal level, what will it mean for you to be salt in the week ahead?


6.    The reference to light speaks of being conspicuous in the world. Thinking of attitudes, actions and words, how are we called to be conspicuous? Think of some examples in these areas which highlight the Kingdom wisdom / worldly foolishness discussion from a few weeks ago.
7.      What were some of the good deeds mentioned in the talk (Matthew 25:35-36 will help jog your memory)? Can you think of examples where the work of Christians has brought people into a relationship with God? What should the end result of all our good deeds be? How do we go about getting this result?
8.     Discuss whether it is possible to be a solitary or lone Christian?
9.   The One who is the Light of the world says: “You are the light of the world.” Reflect and comment.
10.   Mission pillars
Wesley says that we cannot be solitary or secret Christians. Discuss the impact of this statement           on each of the mission pillars:     

Evangelism & Church growth
Justice & Service
Development & Economic Empowerment

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