Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Sophy Hopkey debacle drives Wesley from America

Thursday, 3 November 1737. I appeared again at the court holden on that day; and again at the court held Tuesday, November 22, on which day Mr. Causton desired to speak with me. He then read me some affidavits which had been made September 15 last past, in one of which it was affirmed that I then abused Mr. Causton in his own house, calling him liar, villain, and so on. It was now likewise repeated before several persons (which indeed I had forgot), that I had been reprimanded at the last court for an enemy to, and hinderer of, the public peace.
I again consulted my friends, who agreed with me that the time we looked for was now come. And the next morning [Nov. 23], calling on Mr. Causton, I told him I designed to set out for England immediately. I set up an advertisement in the great square to the same effect, and quietly prepared for my journey.