Saturday, August 10, 2013

Questions based on Does Jesus Really Mean What He Says

Read the sermon here
1.     Do you have the righteousness, peace and joy that is God’s Promise to you?

2.    Has God given you the Kingdom?  If your answer is “Yes”, how has that affected the way you have lived this past week?  If your answer is “No”, what does that mean?  If your answer is “I don’t know”, what does that mean?

3.    Are you afraid of anything?

4.    What does Jesus mean when He says:
Sell your possessions and give to the poor?
(We’ve explored this is much more detail previously.  If you want to access my teaching on this subject, please visit

5.    Is it true that: “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”?

6.    Where is your heart?

7.    What does it mean to “live as if it we really do expect Jesus to return at any time”?