Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Prayers for 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children

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The global 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children Campaign, which runs from 25 November, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, through to International Human Rights Day on 10 December.

Here are some prayers (sourced variously from The Daily Office and the Mission Unit of MCSA) I have found useful for personal and corporate use:

A Daily Prayer
O God, by your Holy Spirit you anointed Jesus Christ to open the eyes of the blind and give voice to those who are silent: Inspire us, by the power of that same Spirit, to see and recognize gender
violence in its myriad forms, and to speak boldly and work effectively for its eradication, that, in your reign at hand, all women and men, and girls and boys, may blossom abundantly and rejoice to see your glory; in Jesus' name, Amen.

A Confession
Almighty God we know that at times we turn a blind eye to victims of domestic violence. We are deeply sorry. We fail to hear the cries of the raped and beaten, the emotionally abused women and children. We pray for your forgiveness.

A Supplication
Lord, give us the tools we need to be better equipped. Anoint us with the holy-boldness we need to face this problem head-on. Let us not refrain from holding an abuser accountable or hold back when helping women or children. Give us this day all that we need to reach out to your hurting women and children – and remind them of just how much You love them. In You we pray, Amen 

Lighting a Candle
We light this candle in the midst of pain and suffering in our world, yet we refuse to believe that darkness will forever overcome light. With this candle, we commit to walk under the light of Christ to reject violence and abuse of women and children. We further commit ourselves as the light that will illuminate all places of darkness and hurt for healing and transformation.

A Pledge
We recognize our failure to respond adequately to sexual violence and our role in marginalizing those who have experienced its devastating consequences. We recognize that responding to sexual violence is essential in our work, in our communities and in our world. We commit to addressing sexual violence in our contexts to the best of our ability, aiming to end it in all its forms, together. And so…. We Will Speak Out.
We will be silent no more.
We stand together in solidarity with the most vulnerable.
We dedicate ourselves to finding lasting solutions; mobilizing leadership at all levels.
We will promote laws that model, protect and promote justice, enable healthy relationships and challenge those who don’t.
We will work to ensure that these laws are enforced. We commit to take action together to see all girls, women, boys and men freed from the threat and impact of sexual violence across the world.