Saturday, April 18, 2015

Jesus' Resurrection Changes Everything

A further reflection on Easter

Something happened at the Resurrection of Jesus which changes everything ... because He was raised from the dead, the disciples lived differently with a  new sense of purpose, a new hope and a new energy. But this new purpose, hope and energy was not only because He was raised from the dead, but because of His promise to return and renew everything.  They had a sense that in Christ they had discovered the one through whom God would make all things new. Is there experience your experience?

The fact of His resurrection proved the beginning of a new age – an age when evil no longer has the last word, death no longer has the last word, hopelessness no longer has the last word.

You and I live in that new age!!!!  It’s kind of like what happens when a nation elects a new president, but we don’t quite have that system of democracy yet in S.A., but most of us are familiar with the USA where a new president is elected in the first week of November, but only inaugurated, only takes office, when sworn in in late January.

But in that in-between time, everything changes and folk work towards and prepare for that inauguration.  Victory is won in November, but only has its full affect at the end of January, but people don’t sit around and do nothing in between.

And especially with the most recently elected US president, Barack Obama, there was great hope and expectation. Now, Jesus is far more than any worldly president, king or queen ever will be.
But the picture I want us to dwell on is this: A great victory has taken place with the Resurrection of Jesus and we live in the time where we are preparing for the final inauguration of Jesus.

It ought to be an exciting time, a hopeful time, and a time of new purpose and expectation and preparation. Is it for you?

Yes, the conquered party can still and does cause much trouble, but we know who the victor is and we are called to live accordingly.

The good news about what has happened (the resurrection) points to the good news about what’s yet to happen (the return).  And those who find ourselves grasped by this double good news must also find that our lives between the one and the other event, are utterly transformed as a result.  We live in the light of Jesus’ initial achievement on the cross and His future reign.  The Christian life is shaped by both, and finds in both the reason for and source of a new sense of purpose, a new hope and a new energy.

And during this time (and this is important) – “the work you’re doing will not be worthless” (1Corinthians 15:58)  Somehow, in ways we cannot at present discern, what is done in the present out of love for God and in the power of the Spirit will be part of God’s new world when it arrives in all its fullness, which is why, as disciples of Christ, we encourage one another to do good deeds (Heb 10:24).

I started with the words, “Something happened with the Resurrection of Jesus that changes everything.”  With His resurrection, a new way of being human was launched. Everything that stood in the way of being human was destroyed on the cross.  All selfish concerns, petty jealousies, factions, divisions – all human nastiness was conquered on the cross.  Those things belong to the old world, to the old age which was superseded by the new world of Easter ... isn't that good reason for new purpose and new hope in your life?

Jesus' resurrection changes everything ... let's believe it can even change us and the people around us. Let’s believe His resurrection, and the power behind His resurrection, the Holy Spirit, can make us more human, more like Jesus.