Thursday, May 26, 2022

Masseter Muscle Botox

Jaw pain can have physical and emotional impact on your life, but there are cosmetic treatments available, including jaw Botox.

It can be caused by many reasons. Sometimes jaw pain can interfere with the daily activities due to the extreme pain. Discover the main cause that can result in jaw pain and how it can be treated.

Grouped into two parts, the vast area connecting to the cheekbone is bulkier for some people, which causes them to have portions of the masseter eliminated surgically. Nonetheless, did you know that there’s a non-surgical way to do that?

That’s where non surgical Botox injections come to the rescue to offer treatment to minimise the width and flare of your jawline, making a more symmetrical, pleasing look. Most essentially, Botox creates long-lasting outcomes without sacrificing your jawbone’s strength.

When properly injected with a masseter botulinum toxin injection, Botox weakens the chewing muscles or masseter. In turn, that creates a softer and slimmer jawline.

Botox masseter injections at CPAesthetics can help reduce and even prevent the pain caused by masseter muscle hypertrophy.

How Do You Know If You Need Botulinum Toxin Treatment?

Many people do not associate their jawline with any cosmetic concern or ageing. When they think of an aged faces, they often imagine wrinkles. They imagine fine line, especially the frown lines in the middle of their forehead.

However, a younger face is more likely to be the narrowest around the chin and jaw and the widest around the eyes above the cheek. Your masseter muscles square off or widen at the jawline as you get older. That could first be noticed between your twenty to forty years.

Masseter Muscle Botox injection are highly advantageous to people who would want to angular or narrow their lower face. That’s especially true for people who do not love the shape of their face because of a thick or square jawline and wants a more feminine appearance.

The relative thickness of your masseter could be identified by feeling your outer jawline as you bite down hard.

If your jaw is clenched or you clench your teeth, there’s a chance you could benefit from a Botox to the masseter muscle.

Symptoms Of Jaw Pain

Symptoms of jaw pain include aching pain in or around the jaw, the face and the neck. Pain can be caused by various condition, including temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), bruxism (teeth grinding), tooth decay, dental abscesses, sinus infections, ear infections, stress and anxiety.

Symptoms associated with jaw pain include;

Aching pain in the face or jaw

Soreness of the face

Difficulty opening and closing the mouth

Inability to chew food properly



Neck ache

People who have these symptoms may benefit from a Botox injection. A comfortable masseter helps lower overall tension in your face.

It’s worth mentioning that both men and women can be great candidates for this treatment.

How Much Does Botulinum Toxin Reduce The Masseter?

The masseter muscle can be significantly lowered using a non-surgical treatments like botulinum toxin treatment—more widely known as Botox. The muscle botulinum toxin process is non-invasive as it includes a set of botulinum toxin injections placed into the masseter muscle

The treatment is done over a few sessions with small doses of Botox until the masseter has lowered down by degrees to the desired look. Also, the number of sessions will vary depending on your reaction to the treatment. A lot of people may only require one or two sessions. Others may need three or four to accomplish their desired results.

In three months or so, it is highly possible to minimise the masseter muscle volume by thirty per cent. That makes your face look more V-shaped and slimmer.

How Long Does Botulinum Toxin Injection Last?

Masseteric muscles label Botox could last at least four to six months after gradually returning to its original form. Nonetheless, ongoing treatments of injecting Botox to the muscle to relax them will lead to them slowly losing the grinding habit.

What Can I Not Do After the procedure?

Botox is an excellent treatment for masseter. However, the impacts do wear off as your body degrades it. Learn that you can’t make it last longer, but you could do things that could extend the length of its effect.

Here are some things you should avoid after getting a masseter Botulinum toxin, and you can do to help your Botox last longer.

Avoid strenuous activities or getting exposed to too much heat

For the first twenty hours of getting a masseter muscle Botox, you should stay away from hot yoga, saunas, strenuous exercising or intense facial massages. All those activities could potentially cause the Botox to migrate to other areas of your face.

That could lead to eyelid dropping, temporary facial paralysis, or other unpleasant effects. It might help if you sleep on your back in a somewhat elevated position for the first-night post-injection.

Stay away from sunbeds and sun

Remember that sun damage causes premature wrinkles. Botox is inefficient against those skin-damaged wrinkles as they don’t involve the underlying muscle. Make sure you always wear SPF sunscreen on your neck and face every day. Keep your results a little longer by using a broad-spectrum sunscreen and preventing the outdoors during peak UV hours.

Don’t forget your maintenance treatments

The ideal way to expand the life of your masseter muscles Botox results is to undergo a maintenance treatments. Always schedule your appointments before your results wear off.

Frequent Botox treatments are helpful as they will train the targeted muscle to respond to the neurotoxin for an extended time. However, you should not overdo it as well. Too many treatments can make your muscle resist Botox or react negatively.

The number of units you will get will be based on your requirements. Other patients may require more than the suggested guideline to treat their problems. Men are more likely to have solid facial muscle. That indicates it will take more Botox so it can penetrate such muscle.

One thing is for sure; no two people are the same, and the units required will be according to their requirements of dose.

Final Thoughts on Botulinum Toxin procedure

A masseter botox injections will help weaken your injected part over time. You can think of the procedure as a soothing temporary vacation for the muscle. Further, the visual effect is a decrease in the enlarged or flared nature of the jawline, which can be attributed to the relaxation of the masseteric Musculature. Within a week or two, many patients find their masseteric Musculature to feel softer when they touch or bite down.

A more rounded jawline, resulting from the decreased prominence of the masseteric Musculature, is typically noticeable within six weeks.

Masseteric Musculature injection must be repeated every three months to six months to keep the result on the muscle. Nonetheless, upkeep could be spaced out to nine to twelve-month intervals after multiple sessions.