Week 12 Discussion Questions and Bible Study
Hindrances to Holy Living
Study Passage Matthew 7:1-12
Judging Others
1. How is judging others a hindrance to growing in holiness?
2. Depending the on the time you gave, read some of the following readings: Mt 18:15-17; Luke 17:3-4; Galatians 6:1-5; 2Corinthians 2:5-11;1 Thessalonians 5:14-15; 2Thessalonians 3:14&15; 1 Timothy 5:20; 2 Timothy 2:25-26 & 4:2; Titus 3:10-11; 2 Corinthians 13:1-2. How would you answer someone who said: “Christians shouldn't judge others”?
3. How should we go about correcting error in others?
4. Discuss the following statement: “The goal of discipline is to produce repentance in an atmosphere of support and forgiveness.”
Over Enthusiasm
5. How is over enthusiasm a hindrance to growing in holiness?
6. Has anyone had the experience of enthusiastically sharing the gospel, only to be left with the feeling of “casting your pearls before swine”?
Neglect of Prayer
7. How is the neglect of prayer a hindrance to holiness?
Neglect of Charity (Love)
8. How is the neglect of charity, a hindrance to holiness?
9. Verse 12 is sometimes called the Golden Rule. John Stott says: “Confucius taught, ‘Do not to others what you would not wish done to you’ and in the Talmud it is written, ‘What is hateful to you, do not do to anyone else.’” How does the Golden Rule go beyond these commands? Read Luke 10:25-37. Who is worthy of our charity/love/good works.
10. Mission Pillars
How does each of these hindrances to our personal growth in holiness become hindrances in our mission endeavours in each of the mission pillars?
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