Week 15 Day 1 Devotions
I've chosen as our devotions for this, the last week in this course on the Sermon on the Mount, a number of what Mr Wesley calls “General Questions.” They are from The Works of John Wesley: The Jackson Edition, Volume Eleven. The language of course is 18th-century English but I have chosen not to paraphrase but to quote Wesley directly. These questions are meant to prompt quiet reflection or deeper meditation. Not surprisingly, they cover a large amount of the teaching contained in the Sermon on the Mount.
General Questions, which may be used every Morning.
1. Did I think of God first and last?
2. Have I examined myself how I behaved since last night's retirement?
3. Am I resolved to do all the good I can this day, and to be diligent in the business of my calling?
General Questions which a serious Christian may propose before beginning Evening Devotions.
1. With what degree of attention and fervour did I use my morning prayers, public or private?
2. Have I done anything without a present, or at least a previous, perception of its direct or remote tendency to the glory of God?
3. Did I in the morning consider what particular virtue I was to exercise, and what business I had to do, in the day?
4. Have I been zealous to undertake, and active in doing, what good I could?
5. Have I interested myself any farther in the affairs of others than charity required?
6. Have I, before I visited or was visited, considered how I might thereby give or receive improvement?
7. Have I mentioned any failing or fault of any man, when it was not necessary for the good of another?
8. Have I unnecessarily grieved any one by word or deed?
9. Have I before or in every action considered how it might be a means of improving in the virtue of the day?