Friday, October 18, 2013

Baptism and Confirmation Sunday 2013

The sermon preached from the baptismal pool on Confirmation Sunday was based on Romans 6:3-11, highlighting that going under the water signifies our death and burial with Christ and thus reminding us of our (often little seen) death to sin; our rising from the baptismal waters signifies our resurrection with and in Christ, which shows itself in a life of personal holiness to the glory of God

  1. The word bapto from which our English word baptism is derived means: to cover completely with a fluid.
What does it mean to bapto leather; 
to bapto your clothes (or your hair); 
what does it mean to bapto your body?

  1. What does it mean to be baptised into Christ’s death (verse 3)?

  1. What does it mean to be raised into new life with Jesus (verse 4)?

  1. Which part of a baptism service represents “dying with Christ”?  Which part of a baptism service represents “being raised to new life” in Christ?

  1. How does death set us free from the power of sin (verse 7)?  Have you been set free from the power of sin?