Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Don't stay in one place too long

Wed 5 May 1784: In Aberdeen I found the morning-preaching had been long discontinued; yet the bands and the select society were kept up. But many were faint and weak for want of morning-preaching and prayer-meetings, of which I found scarce any traces in Scotland.
In the evening, I talked largely with the preachers and showed them the hurt it did both to them and the people for any one preacher to stay six or eight weeks together in one place. Neither can he find matter for preaching every morning and evening, nor will the people come to hear him. Hence he grows cold by lying in bed, and so do the people. Whereas if he never stays more than a fortnight together in one place, he may find matter enough, and the people will gladly hear him. They immediately drew up such a plan for this circuit, which they determined to pursue.