Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Now her eyes are open

[This is from Sat]Sat May 1 1742. One called whom I had often advised ‘not to hear them that preach smooth things’. But she could not believe there was any danger therein, ‘seeing we were all’ (she said) ‘children of God’. The effects of it which now appeared in her were these: (1) She was grown above measure wise in her own eyes. She knew everything as well as any could tell her, and needed not to be ‘taught of man’. (2) She utterly despised all her brethren, saying they were all in the dark; they knew not what faith meant. (3) She despised her teachers as much, if not more than them, saying they knew nothing of the gospel; they preached nothing but the law, and brought all into bondage who minded what they said. ‘Indeed’, said she, ‘after I had heard Mr. Sp[angenberg] I was amazed; for I never since heard you preach one good sermon. And I said to my husband, “My dear, did Mr. Wesley always preach so?” And he said, “Yes, my dear; but your eyes were not opened.”’